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2014-02-04 02:17:16
Last author: GlamGamer
Owner: GlamGamer
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Mystic Academy

Mystic Academy- Mystics

Mystic Protectors

Maliek Hunters

The Main Campus This is where classes take place. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is served here, as well as there being feeders available to those who live on blood. The lower levels consist of gyms and a highly advanced training simulation room. The hospital ward is also here. Classrooms make up the second level, along with the cafeteria. And there is a library on the third and fourth floor of the west wing. The east wing of the third level is additional classrooms, and the east wing fourth level is where feeders are housed.

The Mystics Dorm The dorm is divided into a male and female wing. Mystic Teachers have private rooms and bathrooms on the upper levels. Students share two to each room with a half bath available for each room (a sink and toilet). There are male and female showers for the students to share. On the lower level there are two common lounges and a kitchen in case students or teacher would like to prepare their own meals.

The Protectors Dorm Similar to the mystics dorm, it is divided by male and female wings. Protector students are two to a room with a half bath for every two bedrooms. Common showers for males and females. The second level is for Protectors, but while they have separate rooms, they share common showers. There's a kitchen and two lounges- though smaller than the Mystic's, it's still well equipped.

The Pool This pool connects the back of the Protectors dorm to the back of the Mystic's dorm. The pool is for all to share, although there is a curfew for students. There is also a pool house that acts as a lounge for everyone to gather and hang out, play games and such.

The Greenhouse The green house is located to the west of the Main Campus, directly across from the dorms.

Gardens This is part of the gardens that wrap around the entire academy grounds, backing up to the Bayou. There is a large wrought iron fence that encompasses the grounds, keeping everything from alligators to hunters out. Warded by magic, the fence also makes the campus grounds appear smaller and like a regular boarding school to humans outside of the Mystic world and the Hunters.

The Koi Pond
This massive koi pond goes from inside the greenhouse and weaves around most of the gardens, holding probably hundreds of koi, people stopped keeping track. And there's room for more. The pond is only deep in certain areas, some areas are no more than about three to three and a half feet deep. The deepest being a mini lake at nearly six feet down.

The Bayou There's a large fence protecting the school, with animal wards so even baby alligators don't try to come in.

Some School Rules

1. Powers may not and cannot be used against students, teachers or Protectors.

2. Breakfast is served at 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Lunch is served from 11:30 PM to 12:30 AM. Dinner is served from 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM.

3. Classes begin at 8:30 PM and end at 3:45 AM. Classes are from Sunday night (8:30 PM) to Thursday morning(3:45 AM).

4. Curfew is at 6:00 AM with lights out at 8:00 AM on school days. Curfew on the 'week ends' (Friday and Saturday) is altered in order to allow students to be out during the days.

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2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Meh...I still feel bad, Teddy."Rosetta pouted a little.

"I know everything, Miss Lord. So be warned."Delia smiled.

"Yes, I've heard the rumors."Wrath sighed.

Luciana smiled and took the knife of Lucifer as they went to his fun room.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: "You better stop pouting or I'll tickle you right here.." Damion smiled a bit.

Victoria straightened her shoulders, "I'm not who I was in Russia, so it doesn't really matter anyway. Besides, I'm not sure why you think I'm doing something wrong. I haven't."

Antoinette just stared at him, blinking as she looked at his bag, "Oh right." She looked at him again, "You don't care. It doesn't matter because you're leaving. Going home not be bothered by silly teenaged things again. Have fun in Hell. It'll be a lot nicer than this place." She turned and stormed off.

Lucifer walked with her, opening the door for her."I'll just sit over here." He said, nodding to a chair.

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't you dare, Teddy."Rosetta glared. Rosetta hated to be tickled.

"Oh but you are doing something wrong, Miss Lord. What your doing is what that bully Vi did to you back in Russia."Delia raised an eyebrow at him.

"I don't know if I'm going to be leaving or not. Depends on what my father says."Wrath called after her.

"Okay, Dad."Luciana smiled then as looked at the vampire."I can't fly anymore because of you and I want to know why."Lucicana spoke as she cut the vampire up.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion smirked a little, "Well then, cheer up."

Victoria stiffened, "Vi... Vi doesn't matter anymore, she's not here and niether is her stupid brother."

Antoinette stopped and turned back, going to his room again, "Yeah, but you're a protector. Protectors aren't going to believe it, and the students will forget you were ever part of it. But now I'm just a big slutty slut slut."

Lucifer sat in the chair and picked up a magazine. It was a house wife's magazine from the 1950s.

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okayyy."Rosetta rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him as she picked up her try and walked over to Damion's table.

"But she could be. One word from me and Vi will be in this school within three days."Delia grinned.

"Your not a slut, Princess, and everyone in school will forget about it soon enough."Wrath said with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest.

Luciana slowly dragged each cut of the knife along his skin then she looked at Lucifer."Daddy can I have a pair of Vampire fang earrings? Please?"She smiled as she stabbed the vampire in the leg.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned a bit, walking with her.

Victoria just stared at her, wondering if she was telling the truth. "I can't just stop." She finally said, looking a little defeated.

Antoinette raised a brow at him, "Are you kidding me?! They aren't going to forget it, and if it gets out of these walls, what are my people going to think about it?"

"Of course my dear. We'll have Julian style them for you. Want me to hold his head? His teeth are still nice and white."

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "How's your arm and shoudler?"Rosetta asked for the 6th time that morning. She sat down at table and looked at him with a smile.

"Antionette will be Queen one day very soon. I sugest you get on her goodside and fast, Miss.Lord. To have the Queens ear is a very good thing, a very very good thing."Delia smiled and nodded then she turned around and walked away."Think about what I've said, Miss.Lord."

"The school won't let it get out the school. In fact I'm going to get one of the Protectors to mind sweep all the students into forgetting about Victoria's nasty rumour. Happy, Princess?"Wrath raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you Daddy!"Luciana smiled but it was a crazy smile."Yes please, hold his head."She turned to face the vampire."This won't hurt...much...well it might sting."She giggled.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "It's fine Rose, I promise."

Victoria watched her walked away, leaning against the wall with a heavy sigh.

"The school isn't just going to let you mind sweep and entire school because of a rummor." Antoinette folded her arms over her chest, raising her own brow at him, "And I wish you would quit acting like I'm overreacting."

Lucifer stood, walked over as he took ahold of the vampire's head, holding his mouth open.

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "You better not be lying to me...."Rosetta glared a little as she took a bite of a strawberry.

"Well you need to deal with this, Princess. Just like I'll deal with it."Wrath sighed.

Luciana picked up a small knife and started cutting the vampire's gums so she could slowly remove the fangs.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned, "I wouldn't lie to you. Promise."

"Stop calling me Princess, for heaven's sake." She sighed at him, "You're impossible." She muttered before starting away again.

Lucifer held him steady as she dug out his fangs.

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "Better not."Rosetta took another bite of the strawberry.

Wrath shook his head and returned to packing.

Luciana smiled as she cut out one fang over the vampires screams of pain.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled, "Cross my heart."

Antoinette left, muttering about how annoying men were.

Lucifer chuckled, leaning in close to the vampire's ear, "Now I imagine you wish you'd have talked to me.. Not that it would have mattered."

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled and mixed the fruit into the yogurt.

Wrath turned up the volume on his radio as he packed.

Luciana pulled the fang out and looked at it."Pretty. It will match perfectly with my fang necklace, bracelets and headband."She smiled.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion went back to eating his breakfast.

Antoinette huffed and sat next to the koi pond, pulling off her shoes before dipping her feet in. "Boys suck...Specially boys who think you're just a kid." She said to the koi that came over to her.

Lucifer smirked a little, "It will be a nice addition to the set."

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta sipped her OJ."I found out that Luciana is okay."

Luciana smiled evily as she put the fang in a dish then she went back to cutting the other fang out. Hell runs a bit more faster, one day on earth was a month in Hell.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "Good. I'm glad."

Lucifer finally let the vampire's head go once she took the tooth out. "Ready to talk?"

2014-03-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "So hopefully she will be back to school soon."Rosetta smiled.

Luciana smiled as she admired the fangs in the dish then she looked at the vampire."I don't think he is, Dad. I think I'll mess with his dick."She smirked. The more time she spent in Hell the more darker and evil she got.

2014-03-16 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded, "Hopefully."

Lucifer nodded, "Feel free to use any of these toys."

2014-03-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded as she ate her breakfast.

"Thank you, Dad."Luciana smiled and set to work.

2014-03-18 [GlamGamer]: Damion finished his food and looked around the room.

Lucifer went back to reading his magazine.

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Remember you have to go back to the nurse today."Rosetta reminded Damion.

"Not very impressive."Luciana chuckled as she cut so very slowly at the vampire's manhood.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion frowned as he chewed his food. He was thinking about arguing, but sigh and decided not to. "I know. I plan on going down at lunch time. After the classes that would make it sore."

Lucifer smirked a little. The Vampire should have honestly died by now, but true to his word, the room wouldn't let anyone die unless Lucifer wished it so, and even then, the person's soul was trapped in hell and Lucifer could play with it any time he wanted.

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Good. I was worried you would be a stubborn man and not go."Rosetta smiled.

Luciana soon put the Vampire's manhood laid on the silver table."Tell me why you shot me with a brimstone arrow!"She snapped.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little, "I don't want Jaden to drag me there..."

Lucifer kept reading his magazine, "I would just answer... We can put that back on and remove it again if you'd like.."

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's not Jaden you gotta be worried about, Teddy. It's me."Rosett poked his cheek.

"And next time I'll let the hellhounds chew it off."Luciana glared at the vampire.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion chuckled softly, "Yes Ma'am."

Lucifer looked at him, "You have three seconds."

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."Good Teddy."

"Vampires want her dead and Wrath."The vampire said weakly.

"What?! Why?"Luciana asked angrily.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned, stealing some of her fruit.

Lucifer stood and walked over, "Tell me why. Now." He said, his voice was calm, but it was the kind of calm that made Angels shiver in fear, even Angels like Michael.

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Bad Teddy, stealing my food."Rosetta teased.

Luciana took a few steps back when her dad spoke. She knew that voice was dangerous to be around.

"Lord De Nile wants all the Nephilim dead. He sees them as wrong and against nature."The vampire said panting heavily."He ordered me to kill Luciana Star then to kill Wrath Star."

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned a little, "I'm not a bad teddy, I'm a hungry teddy."

Lucifer stared at him for a minute, as though trying to decide if he was lying or not. "Luciana, send a text to your brother. Tell him to come now. Right now, no packing his things, no saying good bye to his Nymph. Now." He turned to the vampire, a very cold smile coming to his lips, "And I have a task for you little vampire."

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Want me to go get you some honey pancakes?"Rosetta asked.

"Okay...Dad."Luciana whispered so very softly. She got her phone out and texted him.Get your ass back home now! Dad's order, Wrath! Seriously please please please come home NOW!!!!!!!!! Xxxxx <3

Wrath sighed when he got the text and frowned when he read it.On my way, Luci xxxx <3 He sent it and grabbed his book then created a portal to Hell. He walked through and appeared in the court yard.

"I never wanted to hurt...Luciana. She was nice to me when that bitch Victoria picked on me."The vampire said weakly, hoping that Lucifer will take it easy on him.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned, "I'll get fat... but yes." He smiled sweetly.

Lucifer raised a brow, "But you did it anyway, instead of going to my son or daughter and telling them that your lord wished to start a war." He ran a finger over the vampire's chin, putting it on his lips so he wouldn't talk again. "The bitch Victoria is the least of your worries." Then he stepped back and snapped his fingers. All of his injuries disapeared. The pain was there, but the actual wounds were gone. "But as I said, I have a task for you." He turned to his daughter, "Come, we need to talk to your brother.."

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled."Okay."She stood up and went to get the pancakes.

The vampire nodded."I'm sorry about your wings, Luciana."He whispered.

Luciana nodded and rushed over to Lucifer."Yes, father."She put hand on his arm.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned, stealing another piece of fruot while she was away.

Lucifer took the Vampire off the rack. "Don't leave this room or the Hell Hounds will eat you." He took Luciana's arm and walked out to the court yard to Wrath. "We need to talk."

2014-03-19 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta came back with two big places of pancakes for him. She set them down on the table."Here."She panted then she took out a bottle of honey out her back pocket and put it on the table."Enjoy and don't say I'm not good to you."

Luciana walked with Lucifer to the court yard and waved a little at Wrath."We're not safe up there, bruh."

"How? What happened?"Wrath asked with a frown.

2014-03-19 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned brightly, "Yeah, and you're going to make me a super fat and happy bear."

Lucifer frowned, "One of the vampire clans has ordered a hit on you and your sister. They mean to get rid of all the Nephilum." He looked down, worried, actually worried. "I'll need to talk to your uncles." He was speaking of the other Arch Angels, his brothers, all of whom wanted him dead permanetly, not just as the King of Hell. "When I call on them, I want you two no where near me. They may think I'm trying to trick them and lash out at you. But as much as I hate them, I do not want an end to the Nephilum race.. I don't even know if your Nymph friend will be safe.. We should see, because if they have plans of attacking them as well, they would provide good allies.." He looked at Wrath and then Luciana, "I'm afraid niether of you have an option in this war... If they're not attacking Nymphs, then maybe your friend can offer you asylum, but you would have to stay in her lands, away from me, away from the war."

2014-03-20 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's what I live for."Rosetta chuckled as she sat down.

"Dad we could help!"Luciana frowned."We're not children needing protecting!"

2014-03-20 [GlamGamer]: Damion grinned and started eating his pancakes.

Lucifer nodded, "I'm leaving that up to you both.. If you want to fight, then you may. I will not stop you."

2014-03-20 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta went back to eating her breakfast.

"I'm fighting. End of."Luciana said firmly.

"I'll fight."Wrath said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

2014-03-20 [GlamGamer]: Damion ate and covered them in honey.

Lucifer looked between them, nodding. "Alright. We're going to wait a day of time up there... A month down here is more than enough time to get prepared."

2014-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta finished her breakfast.

Luciana nodded."Just means when it comes down to fighting we can't use our wings. I'll text the cousins telling them to come home."

2014-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Damion looked up when the bell rang for classes. He stood, smileg, "I'll see you at lunch. " he took his plate to a cart.

Lucifer nodded a little, "Exactly. You text the cousins, I have a meeting with your uncles. And if you think the protectors will be a problem, Wrath, warn them that I'll destroy them as wel."

2014-03-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "See ya Teddy."Rosetta smiled and went to class.

Luciana nodded and pulled out her phone and her fingers flew along the touch screen.

Wrath nodded."Yes, father."He pulled out his phone and called his cousin's protectors to warn them.

2014-03-21 [GlamGamer]: Damion iled and went to class. He looked at the room and winced. Today was going to be painfull.

Lucifer watched them, and then he was gone. Going above ground for the first time since he'd gone to collect Luciana. His brothers, the other Arch angels were there in moments, all of them looking ready to attack him at a moments notice.

2014-03-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta's class was outside in the greenhouse.

Luciana watched her dad for a moment then went to texting. She sent her uncles texts saying the same thing, My father speaks the truth. Your children are in danger. Please believe me, Uncles. Love Luciana xxxx <3

2014-03-24 [GlamGamer]: Damion set his things down before starting the obstacle course.

Lucifer looked at them, telling them all that he knew."If you do not believe me, I have the coward that shot my daughter's wings."

2014-03-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta dropped her bag on the grass and sat down.

Michael had his sword out ready to attack."Someone shot Luciana? We find that hard to believe. She is too much like you to get shot in the wings."He snored and looked at his phone and frowned at Luciana's text.

2014-03-25 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed, "She was shot in class, where the weapons weren't meant to be real. She was shot with a brimstone tipped arrow and nearly lost her wings." He looked at Michael, "I would not lie about one of my children being injured in an attempt to start war. If the battle was just against me I would not have bothered you with it. But as it happems, the war is against our children. Its against the Nephillum we created."

2014-03-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "I find this all a little far fretched, Lucifer." Gabriel said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Do you have any proof? Your daughters wings? This vampire? The brimstone arrow?"Raphael said.

"Why go after our Nephillum children?"Selaphiel asked with a frown.

2014-03-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed heavily and snapped his fingers. The vampire appeared next to him, "I told you I would have further use of you. These are my lovely brothers." He looked at them, "Meet the vampire who shot my daughter. Don't believe me? Search his memories."

2014-03-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Raphael raised an eyebrow and walked over to the vampire. He put his hand on the vampire's head and searched his memories. After a moment he spoke."For once it seems Lucifer is speaking the truth."

2014-03-27 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer rolled his eyes a little, "I used to always tell the truth, Raphael. It's just that you all never wanted to hear it so I began telling lies. But this is not something I would lie about." He looked at the others, "We may be locked in an eternal battle, but that does not mean that I would wish for any of our children to be attacked for what they are."

2014-03-27 [Cerulean Sins]: Raphael rolled his eyes.

Gabriel nodded."Agreed. We bring our children home and under house arrest. We keep them safe and protected. We fight to take down whoever wants to kill our children."

Selaphiel frowned."But again why is someone want to kill our children?"

2014-03-27 [GlamGamer]: Lucider smirked at Raphael's reaction. He truelly missed his brothers sometimes. He looked at Selaphiel and shook his head a little, "Apparently they're unnatural." He snapped his fingers, sending the vampire back to hell. "My demons will be fighting by my side, so don't kill them, got it? They won't attack those I don't want them to. Plus I'm rather attatched to the ones that remain faithful... the others you can have."

2014-03-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "The same goes for our Angel warriors."Gabriel said firmly.

"Our children are not unnatural. My daughters, sons and grandchildren are not unnatural. If they where unntaural then God would have killed them."Selaphiel said strongly.

2014-03-30 [GlamGamer]: "Of course." Lucifer nodded, then he walked over to Selaphiel, "Dear Brother, your faithfulness and conviction that father still cares about what's going on it heart warming and heartbreaking at the same time. My original demons were human souls I stole and tortured until they were something completely different. And what's terrifying is when I unleashed them on the world thy were given human bodies once more. And they've gone on to breed. They are not natural creatures. But Father doesn't give a shit about anything anymore." He truly believed that God didn't care. Of course, something he would never admit to any of his brother's is that before creating Demons he'd begged for forgiveness, and when he hadn't heard anything from God, he created the Demons to see if he would be stopped.

2014-03-30 [Cerulean Sins]: "Our Father cares, Lucifer but we all know he is a big believer in free will."Selaphiel said softly.

2014-03-30 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer raised a brow, but gave a nod. He wasn't willing to argue with any of them today. "So, we've both laid out our terms of fighting side by side... This should be interesting.."

2014-03-31 [Cerulean Sins]: Gabriel nodded."Indeed."

2014-03-31 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smiled brightly, "Well! This family reunion has been nice. Really like the swords." He tapped Michael's, "I think we should do it again sometime. Maybe you all can come to Hell?" A little smirk because he knew they wouldn't come into Hell unless they were attacking. "It's really nice after natural disasters. Lots of new faces."

2014-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: Michael raised an eyebrow."Leave Lucifer. We have plans and children to collect."

2014-04-02 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a bit and bowed dramatically before disappearing.

2014-04-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana was pacing the study, chewing on her thumb nail as she waited for her dad to return. She wondered if he would come back covered in bruises and blood because ever one knows the Arch's hate Lucifer.

2014-04-04 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer got back to Hell and closed his eyes, letting out a steadying breath before walking inside. Going there unarmed had been a risk, but one he'd had to take if he wanted them to listen at all.

2014-04-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana shook her head a little. The only Archangel that was the nicest was Selaphiel and he was the only one that cared. She remembered her dad, brother and uncle Selaphiel were the only ones to turn up to her ballet recital out of her whole family. 

2014-04-05 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer walked inside and frowned a little, wondering if everything was alright. It was strangely quiet, "Wrath? Luci?!" He looked around, frowning. Normally his children were making noise, Wrath with his music and Luciana playing with the Hellhounds.

2014-04-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana heared her father's bellow and she left the study and walked to the foyer."So I'm guessing everything went fine with the Uncles cause your not covered in blood."

Wrath walked up behind his father on the phone to one of his contacts.

2014-04-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer shrugged a little, "Well enough. Have you heard from anyone yet? Have they attacked others?" Yes, he was worried about his nieces and nephews. His war wasn't with them unless they joined it. Even then, he worried about them. That, and he liked that they were living proof that his 'perfect' brothers weren't so perfect after all. They had fallen for the same 'apple' humans had. Sex, and love if it was there, was powerful and could make even the most faithful angel like Michael bend the rules a little.

2014-04-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "Cousin Gabby got attacked by a group of vampires but since she has her full powers she managed to fight them off. Ummmm.....Tori, Callie, Chris, Sam, Zack and Bay all went home to the uncles. went to her mom and they got attacked and Kadma's mom diedm Kadma is in a human hospital at the moment but her brother Drake is getting her out."Luciana frowned."I haven't heard from the others yet."

2014-04-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded a little, "Text Drake and Kadma, tell them a Hell Hound will be guarding her until they're safe. They will be the only ones who can see him." He waved one of the hounds off, his commands unspoken. "I'll have my Demons on the lookout for them, just not close enough to scare them."

2014-04-10 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded as she texted Drake and Kadma."Wrath has been calling the protector cousins but no one has been picking up."

2014-04-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer just gave a brief nod, pulling in a deep breath. A chill went down his spine, but it wasn't fear. It was excitement. It had been a long time since there was any really good fighting. Sure, he had his spats with his brothers, but it would be nothing like this.

2014-04-10 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'll keep texting the others warning them and tell them to go to the uncles."Luciana sighed as her thumbs flew along her iphone screen.

2014-04-10 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded again, "I'm going to go visit our little friend. I want more information."

2014-04-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "Do you think he could be holding out on us?"Luciana asked.

2014-04-13 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer nodded, "It's possible, and if he's not, I have a task for him."

2014-04-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "Task?"Wrath asked as he walked over to his sister and father.

"Yeah, dad what task do you have for the vampire?"Luciana asked with a frown.

2014-04-14 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer smirked a little, "If he doesn't have anymore information, then I want it... I've had people escape from Hell before. Not easy, but it can happen. I'll send him in as a spy to get me the information I want." His smirk turned into a grin, "And, to make sure he doesn't talk, I'll send a Hell Hound to tear him into pieces if it detects a note of betrayal."

Antoinette chewed on her lip as she sat in her Nephilim powers class. She was sitting in the room on her own, as she was the only non-Nephilim taking the class this semester. Even her teacher was gone. They were all gone. Her foot bounced nervously as she stared ahead at the blank whiteboard. Something was wrong, something that had to do with more than just Luciana. Her leg bounced faster and faster until a cramp in her leg made her stop and hiss, pulling her out of her thoughts. She stretched her leg and frowned, grabbing her bag and leaving her class. She was careful as she walked through the halls and up the stairs. The young woman glanced around, ducking into the library when no one was looking and she immediately started up the stairs to the storage. The volunteer feeders also lived up here, but they were all to high on Vampire Bites to notice her. Once in the storage area, she started searching through the books.

Victoria kept her head down in class, sitting in the back and away from her friends. It wasn't like her, but she was still thinking about what the teacher had threatened. Her life in Russia had been miserable, at least here she'd been able to pretend that she was a somebody in the Vampire world. But now, now it was all going to crumble around her. Either Vi, a royal, would come and tell the truth, or people would call her a coward for stopping. Eventually she'd be a nothing again.

Damion concentrated on being able to use his arm still. Being slow and unable to use his arm had made him lose all but one sparing match. And he was still convinced that Freddy was just being nice to him. He gritted his teeth against the pain as she rolled over onto his side and stood, ever so slowly.

2014-04-24 [Cerulean Sins]: "It will be nice for pookie to have a vamp treat."Luciana smirked. Luciana had cute names for the hell hounds just to annoy her dad.

"Seems a soild plan, father."Wrath nodded.

Rosetta looked over at Victoria and frowned a little, she sensed something was off about her."What's up buttercup?"She smiled a little at Victoria.

2014-04-26 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at her and just shook his head a little, leaning in and kissing her forehead. He looked at Wrath and nodded, "I'm putting you in charge of your sister and some of my Demons when we get ready to go to war."

Victoria frowned, pulling out off her thoughts to look at Rosetta, "Sorry, what?" She thought maybe she'd missed the part in class where they were partnered up for a project. She might be a bitch, but she was a straight A bitch.

2014-04-29 [Cerulean Sins]: "Whoa! I can take care of myself! Just because I'm wingless doesn't mean I can't defend myself!"Luciana snapped at her dad and glared at him.

"Of course, father." Wrath said with a nod.

"I said, what's up buttercup. You seem different today."Rosetta said softly.

2014-04-29 [GlamGamer]: "You have yet to fight in war, girl. Even Wrath had a chaperon in his first battles." Lucifer raised a brow at her.

"Oh." Victoria just shrugged a little, "It's nothing... Why do you care anyway? Aren't you on the 'hate the bitch Victoria' bus like your bear boyfriend?" She wasn't used to people being genuinely nice to her, not even her friends. All of them were just like her, wanting to be the top dog. Her 'friends' would all stab her in the back the moment they sensed weakness.

2014-05-04 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana glared at him then she stormed away to go hurt one of souls locked up in Hell. When Luciana was in Hell she turned darker and evil but once she was out of Hell the darkness and evil left her.

"Nope. Hello I'm a Earth Nymph and it's in our DNA not to hate. Oh and Damion isn't my boyfriend, he's like a brother to me. Just plain gross. Anyways I don't think your a bitch because I think you act that way because your hiding a bad past. People always have a wall up around themselves so they don't get hurt emotionally."Rosetta said softly.

2014-05-04 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer looked at Wrath, "Most days I'm glad you're more like your mother than me." He muttered. Wrath's mother had been a slave to Lucifer, yes. But Lucifer had liked her.. Maybe not loved her, but he did favor her, and she'd been around a year after Wrath's birth before she tried to betray him.

2014-05-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "I wouldn't say that to Luciana."Wrath said because he knew Luciana would have gone mental. Luciana did everything in her power not to act like her dad.

2014-05-06 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer chuckled, "Oh no. I don't want to gI've her any more reason to hand me over to my brothers."

Victoria raised a brow at her brother like comment, shrugging. "Not as gross as the Lannisters..." She looked away when she mentioned the rough past, shaking her head. "It could be that I'm just cruel.."

2014-05-07 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."You know that she won't turn you over to the Angels. She loves you even though she tries to hide it. I think she's scared that you will reject her."He shrugged.

"The...Lannisters?"Rosetta whispered with fear in her voice. She looked like she wanted to turn herself into a flower or tree. The Lannisters kill Nymphs for fun....hell they kill any weak creature just for fun."

2014-05-07 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer shook his head a little. "I wont reject her even if she marries a Human."

Victoria frowned, she had no fear of them, she was distant-very distant- cousins with them. "Yeah, they marry within their blood family to keep themselves pure.. They're a bunch of whack jobs if you ask me." She glanced around, then lowered her voice, "You don't have to fear them, not with me around. Our families are feuding, but we've won every encounter with them since the fighting started. I have no intention of losing."

2014-05-09 [Cerulean Sins]: "Even if she marries Justin Bieber?" Wrath smirked.

Rostta nodded a little."Thank you." She smiled a little.

2014-05-09 [GlamGamer]: "I didn't think she was interested in other women." Lucifer said with a smirk and shrug.

Victoria nodded a little, "They're stupid creatures, Lannisters."

2014-05-14 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath chuckled and shook his head."Hopefully you have a special place for him in hell."

"Stupid but scary..."Rosetta said softly.

2014-05-16 [GlamGamer]: "Oh I do." Lucifer sighed happily when he thought of the possibilities of having Bieber there in his grasp. "I'll throw a party when that twat dies."

Victoria nodded a little, shrugging, "I guess so. They scared me when I was younger."

2014-05-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stormed into her room and got dressed. She had to warn, Antoinette that vampires are after anyone with Nephilim blood. She knew Antionette wasn't a Nephilim but she has wings of a Nephilim, which makes her a target. She was dressed in red tank top, skinny black jeans and knee high leather boots. She grabbed her leather jacket and created a portal to the school."Sorry dad..."She whispered then she jumped into the portal.

"Everyone will be so happy when he dies."Wrath smirked.

"Why aren't you scared now?"Rosetta asked softly.

2014-05-16 [GlamGamer]: The Hellhound Lucifer had asked to keep an eye on her whined when she left, barking before jumping up and running off to find Lucifer.

Antoinette was sitting next to the koi pond, daydreaming. Her class was meant to be for Nephilim and since they were all leaving for whatever reason, she didn't have class at the moment. She looked at the sky when it started to rain and sighed. Normally she was happy to have rain, but today she wasn't. She let her wings out and rested them around her as best she could. In her pouting she had no idea someone was sneaking up on her.

Lucifer nodded, "Hell will be very popular."

Victoria's eyes darkened and she sighed a little. "I had to grow up.. You know how Hunters start at twelve in getting field training? By then, I was expected to have killed my first Lannister." She shrugged, "To be honest, if I didn't know they could be killed, knew for myself, they'd still scare me.."

2014-05-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Lucianna appeared next to the koi pond."Why so glum chum?"Luciana asked Antionette with a smirk."By the way you might wanna hide those pretty wings of yours."Luciana looked kinda evil, darker aura about her.

"Oh he will indeed, father."Wrath nodded.

"And did you kill one?"Rosetta asked softly.

2014-05-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette jump and fell away from her. "Oh gods you scared me." She looked up, frowning because she could feel the difference. "Are you feeling better?"

The vampire that had been ready to attack Antoinette frowned, narrowing his eyes and backed away. He went to get backup so they could take care of both of the girls.

Lucifer opened his mouth, stopping when the hound came running up. He closed his eyes, "Your sister has left."

Victoria nodded, "An adult male. My father was rather proud.."

2014-05-17 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."I feel fine, Princess. Now listen to me Antoinette, the vampires are planning to kill all Nephilims. So go into hiding."

Wrath sighed loudly."I'm not shocked."

Rosetta nodded a little.

2014-05-19 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette stood, "What are you talking about? Besides, I'm not a Nephilim." Her face paled though, whistle of the arrow coming a moment later. The tip of the arrow was protruding at her collarbone.

Lucifer opened a portal and whistled, "Go, Bring her here, now." He said the five hell hounds.

Victoria frowned and looked around, brow raised, "Little Nymph... I think we may have a problem." She could smell the blood, and a moment later the school erupted in screams and yelling.

2014-05-19 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah tell that to the vamp that just shot you, Antionette."Luciana leaned forward a little and sniffed the arrow."Huh...not dipped in brimstone."She yanked the arrow out."Your lucky."Luciana said as she created a fire bow and arrow. She took aim at the person and fired.

"Shocked she didn't try it sooner."Wrath said with a shrug.

Rosetta could feel the earth sending warning signals to her Nymph's."We need to get out of here now."She stood up and texted Damion. Where are you? You okay? Xxx

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frownex, "Brimstone wouldn't have as much of an affect on me as it does you.." she muttered, gasping as more vampires came out and started firing at them. She tried to use her powers to protect them. She stood behind Lucianna and threw up her wings to shield her. "I can't use my powers." She whimpered through the pain.

Lucifer grabbed Wrath's shirt as his head exploded with the voices of his followers. "Something about the school. He focused on one voice,"They're attacking the school." He looked at Wrath.

Damion didn't get the message, he was too busy fighting. There were some Vampires attacking, and some not. Some of those attacking were guardians, so it had caught many off guard. It was chaos.

Victoria grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the classroom as fighting started there. "We don't have time to wait for him."

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana smirked."Good job that my powers work."She created a protective fire bubble around Antionette as she slipped away from her."Now stay while I make myself a vampire fang crown."She had a blood thirst look on her face. Normally Luciana would fly into air and kill the vampire but since she was wingless, sort of, she would have to do this old school. Her murderous smile grew as her twin fire blades appeared in her hand. She ran, dodging the arrows aimed at her, she brutally killed the vampires. Cutting off heads, cutting from crotch to nose then ripping out hearts etc. By the time she was done she was covered in blood. Luciana looked up when she heard barking."Pookie!"She smiled as she saw her hell hound."I did good, huh? Yes I did! Mummy is better than grumpy old grandpa and sulky Uncle Wrath."She petted Pookie.

Wrath looked at his dad."Fuck! You know Luci will do something stupid. Call the Uncles they will help." He created a portal."Also kill that fuckin vampire, dad. He could be a spy."

Kitty growled as she fought the desire to shift into a leopard. She was still in human form fighting against SOB vampires and guardians. Trying to get students to safety while fighting was not easy.

"We have to go get him, Victoria. I won't leave him, he's still hurt from Luciana's fire."She said as Victoria dragged her from the classroom. Rosetta was worried about Damion's health.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: When the hell hounds had come through, they went after the vampires, and when the ones near by were gone, Pookie stayed behind and the others went on the hunt. But they had forgotten one vampire, coming up behind her with a knife. He was silent, that is until he burst into flames and started screaming and running around. He jumped into the nearby pond, but the flames didn't go out.

"Get her out of that." Another man came storming up behind her, a French accent that he was able to hide pretty well. Not completely but you could understand him. "NOW!" He commanded and walked to the fire bubble. He may have fire element, but someone else's fire could still hurt him. And if he reached in and yanked Antoinette out, she'd catch on fire.

Lucifer nodded, "I intend on it." He looked at Wrath, "Good luck." He turned and walked away, closing his eyes as he sent the message to his brothers. He threw in that innocent people were probably dying, knowing that would get them.

Jaden cut the head off one vampire, only to be bitten from behind by another. He growled and yanked the vampire away and threw him against a wall. Finally free of them, for now, he picked up a little Fay girl injured during the whole thing and passed her over to Morgan.

Morgan had a protective barrier around the gym, where Protectors and teachers were bringing students to safety. She bit her lip and looked behind her, "Air elementals, I need you to focus now. I can't keep this up on my own. I know you can do it."

Victoria sighed and then stopped with a gasp as a blade nearly slit her throat. "Easy there cousin.." The other vampire lowered it and growled, "We don't have time for a snack. Fay and other Angel brats only." She nodded, "Of course, but this one has a bear guardian... I'd like to distract him because if he thinks she's safe, he'll fight to protect the others... If she's in danger." She smirked a little and the other vampire nodded and turned away. Victoria let go of Rosetta's arm and grabbed the other vampire's head, yanking back to snap his neck. She grabbed his blade before he fell and looked at Rose, "Let's go get him then."

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked behind her when she heard the screams then she looked at Pookie."Good, Pookie protecting mommy."She smiled as she clapped Pookie's fur. She looked at the rude Frenchman."She's safe in there, Frenchie. Now how do I know your not going to kill Antionette?"

Wrath walked out of thr portal and saw the chaos. He joined the fighting along with Kitty."What the hell, Kitty?"He shouted.

"Don't blame me! It's the vamps fault not the weres!"Kitty growled as she fought.

Rosetta eeeped a little when Victoria killed the vampire."Okayyyy."

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Andre glared at her, "She's going to bleed out." He yanked an arrow from the ground. "These have been tipped with two things, Nightlock- a plant that make a Nymph unable to use their powers- and Helm- another plant substance that tricks the body into thinking that a wound has stopped bleeding when it hasn't. The body wont naturally clot the wound and she's just going to keep bleeding." He walked over to Luciana, "And the fact that she hasn't responded to my voice means she's probably passed out."

Jaden went back to the fighting, although the vampires were slowly retreating.

Victoria got her downstairs, "Which class was he in?"

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana frowned as the fire bubble disappeared."I never knew..."She rushed over to Antoinette.

"The gym. He had protectors class....well one of them. He said he would go to the nurse about his burn."Rosetta said as she ran to the gym with Victoria.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette was slumped on the ground, her pink wings stained with her blood.

Andre went over, "They're difficult to recognize." He said as he leaned down and picked her up. "And this leg goes here and up." He muttered while he moved her in his arms so she was sitting up, head on his shoulder. "Now. If you be so kind as to escort me somewhere with medical supplies." He had one arm wrapped under Antoinette's legs and the other went up between her wings to hold her in the upright position."

Victoria nodded, going to the gyms with her. The finally reached the one Morgan was protecting.

Morgan looked at Rosetta, "He's inside. Hurry, he may need help."

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded then she looked at Pookie."Kill anyone that us us from getting to the medcial bay, Pookie." She smiled a little when Pookie nodded then she headed towards the med bay."Come on Frenchy."

"Oh no...come on Victoria!"Rosetta grabbed Victoria's hand and dragged her into the gym.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Andre chuckled softly and followed her to the medical bay. Once there he eased Antoinette down onto a bed. He looked at her wounds and sighed heavily before rolling up his sleeves. "I need to clean the wounds and then burn them to cauterize them.. Would you mind helping?"

Victoria went in with her and looked around uncomfortably. She knew plenty there would think she was part of all this.

Damion was sitting down on the floor, washing his wounds.

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Okayyyy..."She snapped her fingers and she knew Pookie would guard the med bay."Oh shit...the Uncles."She whispered as she walked over to Antoinette. She knew her Uncles are in the school and very angry Angels.

Rosetta scanned the hall for Damion then she saw him."Teddy!"She shouted as she dragged Victoria over to Damion. She knelt next to him."Oh Damion..."She frowned.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Andre looked up, feeling the shift in the air. He shook his head, deciding to worry about it later. He cleaned the wounds, using his fire element to cauterize the wounds, even the ones on her wings.

Damion glared at Victoria for a moment before deciding she wasn't one of them and then he looked at Rosetta. "You alright?"

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: "What do you need a hand with?"Luciana asked as she looked at Andre.

"Of course I am, silly...but are you?" Rosetta spoke as she looked at his wounds.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Andre looked at her, "Cup your fire, like this" He held out his hand, a pool of fire in his palm almost like water, "Find the holes in her wings and burn each side. You're going to half to tug them to do it.." He showed her by forcing Antoinette's wing open and looking through the blood to find the wound, where he then cupped the fire over it until it was black, then he walked around and did it again, this time to the underside of the wing. "But if she wakes up, hold her down."

Damion stood and nodded, "I'm fine.. They say I'm not, but I am." He said stubbornly.

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana looked at him like he was crazy.", Frenchy because my fire is hell fire which would make her worse not better."

Rosetta stood up and glared at him."Damion Watkins stop being so stubborn!"She hugged him."I'm glad your alive..."

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: "Ah, A Star." Andre said with a smile, "Hold her wings open, if you would? It will make the process much faster." He went on to burning her wounds closed.

Damion opened his mouth to retort, then smiled and hugged her back.

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana held Antionette's wings open for Andre. "How do you know who I am?"

"I will call your mom then your Grandma and tell on you. So accept the medcial help and stop being stubborn, Teddy."Rosetta said softly still hugging him.

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: "It's my duty to know the various Royals, and how to identify them." Andre smiled, "I'm Prince Andre Montegue, second son and the only smart one." He finished with her wounds and smoothed Antoinette's hair away from her face, placing a gently kiss on her forehead. Then he turned to Lucianna and bowed, taking her hand and kissing it. "I apologize for my behavior earlier. I assure you, I'm only an asshole on Sundays normally."

Damion huffed, "I'm fine, and they're done.. They have people with more serious wounds."

2014-05-21 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana stared at him with a dull look on her face."All I heard was blah blah blah." She took her hand back just as Pookie growled at Andre."Lucianna Star daughter of Lucifer."

Rosetta looked up at him with a glare."Your annoying when your wounded." She sighed and pulled back from him."Let's see your wounds and Victoria and I shall fix you up."

2014-05-21 [GlamGamer]: Andre laughed, "Well, I assumed you weren't Wrath." He moved back to Antoinette and leaned over her, "Wake up Little Bug." He murmmered against her ear, pulling back just enough to look at her.

Antoinette frowned and woke up, blinking her eyes furiously. "Andre?" She said once she recognised him, "Andre!" She used her uninjured arm to hug him, pulling herself close to him.

Damion sighed and nodded as he sat down. He still didn't trust Victoria though.

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana walked over to the sink, she needed to get this blood off her. She turned on the hot water tap, grabbed a hand towel and dumped a ton of soap onto it as the sink filled up high. She turned off the tap, wet the soapy towel and scrubbed her skin that was covered in blood.

Rosetta frowned a little as she grabbed a first aid kit and patched up his wounds."So do you know why this has happened?"

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked over at Luciana and frowned as she tried to get up, "Are you alright?" She asked as Andre helped her stand.

Damion shook his head a little, "No one has been exactly chatty, even when they're being threatened."

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yup just washing off the vamp blood. Question is are you alright Princess?"Luciana spoke as she scrubbed the blood off her face.

Rosetta frowned."Do you think it could have been...Mallek Hunters?"She asked softly as she finished cleaning his wounds then started putting bandages on them.

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette opened her mouth to answer, then went pale. Well, paler than usual. "Andre, do you have your phone?" She took it from him and dialed a number. When she got no answer there, she called another. "Thank God." She said when they answered, "Yes, yes, I'm fine. How are you? And the reports, how are the citizens?" She nodded as she listened, "Issue an evacuation, tell people to go to the underground cities.. those at least are privlaged information and the Vampires don't know about them... No, issue it through the Palace guards, not the Protectors.. Yes, I trust most of them, but until we know exactly who is involved, I don't want even the Protectors to know.." Another long pause, "No..." she swallowed, "No. Kill them... Yes, it is up to the council to have a final say, however, would you like to risk the rummors of vampires communicaiting telepathically being true? They've never confirmed or denied it, as is their right. However, if it's true, your taking a vampire into our shelters puts you at risk of being sitting ducks." She nodded and then hung up.

Andre frowned, "How many dead?" He helped ease her back down to the bed because she was swaying.

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana listened to Antoinette side of the phone as she cleaned off the last of the blood. She looked down at her dark coloured clothes a frowned a little. Seems Hell has had a wee influence in her clothes. She waved her hand over her body and her clothes changed to white skinny jeans and white tank top, she kept her knee high black boots though."Trouble at the palace guards?"She asked.

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at her and smiled at the change of clothes before shaking her head. "No, they would do anything I ask, and none of the Protectors turned on thier people, that we know of. Its the council that can decide to ignore my orders and put in place their own.." she sighed and looked at Andre, "Current death toll is five hundred across the country, but there are many who haven't reported in, or been found.."

Andre frowned and kissed her forehead, "You couldn't have stopped it.."

Damion shook his head. "I don't think so. Mallek hunters hate all of us, I don't think they'd work with Vampires just to kill a particular group."

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "Shit...I'm sorry Antoinette."Luciana said softly. She looked over at Pookie."Find the others and tell them to protect Wrath, the Uncles, the student, teachers and staff here. Go!"She ordered then she looked at Antoinette."Now are you healing fine or shall I get one of my Uncles to heal you because we're sitting ducks here."

"Well too me the vampires have been killing all species just for funnies, Damion."Rosetta said with a frown."What do you think, Victoria?"

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head, "I'm fine." She said, trying to stand, but she swayed instead.

"I got ya." Andre picked her up like she was a feather, "Just hold up your wings. I can carry you until we get somewhere safer."

Victoria looked over, "No, I don't think so.. if it was for shits and giggles, then they'd be hunting everyone, not just Angel bastards like Fey.."

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: "If my father wasn't Fallen then I could heal ya. Children of Angels can heal, not Children of Fallen. Sucks big time."Luciana sighed."I'm guessing the teachers would have taken the students to the gyms."Luciana said as she grabbed a bag and started stuffing it full of med supplies.

Rosetta frowned a little."Good job Luciana and Wrath aren't here."

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Andre set Antoinette back down to gather another bag of supplies. He figured they were going to need everything the could get. Once they were ready, he put one bag over his shoulder and picked up his cousin. "Ready? " he asked Luciana.

Damion nodded a little and looked at Victoria and the other vampires there, "So its not all of you.. Maybe."

2014-05-22 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."Yup."She created a hell fire sword in her hand as she walked out the med bay.

Rosetta finished bandaging his wounds."All done, Teddy."She smiled.

2014-05-22 [GlamGamer]: Andre followed her, looking around and listening.

Damion turned to her,"Thank you." He smiled a little

2014-05-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana growled as a vampire came running at her."Oh hey guess what?"She asked the vampire as she ran towards him, dropped to the floor and slide between his legs as she cut off his leg."You lost your leg."Luciana chuckled as she stood up and beheaded the vampire.

Rosetta nodded and stood up then looked around the gym."We're sitting ducks."

2014-05-23 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette flinched, knowing it needed to be done. But let's face it, Antoinette is too sweet.

Andre had slowed down, now catching up to her. He could hear fighting up ahead and glanced around for a less popular way to take.

Damion nodded a little, "Right now, we're outnumbered."

Victoria looked between them as they talked, slowly backing away when both seemed distracted. She slipped outside of the safe room and took a deep breath as she went out to fight.

2014-05-23 [Cerulean Sins]: "Okay we can cut through the east wing of the school which will take us to the gym."Luciana said as she turned left.

Rosetta nodded."Very outnumbered."

2014-05-23 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded, "Sounds like a plan." He said as he followed her. The east wing turned out to be close to the vampire's main 'base of operations' at the school. Vampires were coming and going, but they had to be careful with killing them. If they drew attention to themselves in this area, they'd be screwed.

Damion frowned, "We have to get out of here.. Cut our loses with the school and go."

2014-05-23 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana killed as many as she could as silently as she possibley could. She soon saw her Uncle Gabriel."Uncle."She nodded to him. She knew her Uncles wheren't fond of her because of her dad.

"We can't leave, Teddy. What about the other students and staff? Also getting out of here is going to be hard, we're 5 miles from the nearest town."Rosetta frowned.

2014-05-23 [GlamGamer]: Andre looked at the Angel as he fallowed Luciana,nodding his head. When they were past him, he looked at her, "Which one is that?"

"Andre..." Antoinette said with a shake of her head, "Time and place."

Damion shook his head, "I meant everyone. We have enough cars and stuff..." He frowned.

2014-05-23 [Cerulean Sins]: "That was Uncle Gabriel."Luciana said softly.

"True but it will be a risk."Rosetta frowned a little.

2014-05-23 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded a little,"Oh? He seemed... Friendly."

2014-05-24 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana scoffed."Normally he is but to me not so much. Uncle Gabe hates my dad with a passion but he hates my brother ever since Wrath failed to save his only daughter, Dianna. Dianna was only 10 as was Wrath and a Mallek hunter found them outside the area of the school grounds....and well Dianna was dead. Uncle Gabe hates Wrath as much as he hates my dad. My brother was only a kid...just a fuckin' kid." Luciana spoke as she walked down the hallways and killed two vampires.

2014-05-24 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned, "How horrible.. Doesn't he realize that Wrath must feel bad enough? She was his cousin..."

Andre held her closer, protectively. He shook his head a little, "Douche bag Gabe... Sweet."

2014-05-25 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana shrugged."Uncle Gabe hasn't had anymore kids since then, he even ignores his two sons. We all think it's because he can't handle losing another kid."

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Andre nodded a little, he could sort of understand it. "I hope I would hold my children closer.."

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah well Uncle Gabe isn't the most loving or caring Angel but at least he's not as bad as Uncle Raphael."Luciana said as they got closer to the gym.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Andre raised his brow at that and almost grinned. "I'd love to know all the crap you know about the Angels.... Ow."

Antoinette jabbed his chest, "Andre!"

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "You'd be amazed, Frenchy."Luciana said as she opened the gym door."In there you both go. I'm going to help with the killing."

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Andre smiled a little, "You're not the only one who can fight Princess Star."

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't call me Princess or I'll ball shot you. You have to look after Antoinette."Luciana glared at him.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette got down, putting a hand on Andre's arm and on hers, "Andre, be nice.. Luciana.. Please don't kill my cousin.. I would hate it if my dearest cousin, and my only friend killed one another.. And I'll be fine." She smiled to Luciana and walked away, putting a hand on the wall whenever she needed support.

Andre nodded, "Yes my love." He said after Antoinette and grinned because she flipped him off. He looked at Luciana. "She's safe in there. For now. And you guys are overpowered." He said before giving a bow and going towards the fighting.

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed loudly before whistling loudly and within moments Pookie appeared by her side."Protect Antoinette from evil."She said then she ran off into the fight.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette eased against the back wall, sliding down to the floor with her eyes closed.

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana soon found her brother and fought along side him."You okay, bruh?"She asked.

Wrath was glad to see his sister unharmed."Yup. You?"

"Peachy."Luciana grinned.

"Princess!"Rosetta called as she rushes over to Antoinette.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette opened her eyes and smiled at Rosetta. "Hi.. Are you hurt?"

Andre was holding his own as he fought. Because he didn't know anyone, he didn't talk.

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'm fine but your not."Rosetta frowned as she put an arm around her."Teddy come help me!"

Wrath saw Andre, he had no clue who he was so he just attacked him.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head, "I'm fine, just want to sit.."

Andre ducked, "Woah, woah! I'm on your side Gigantor!"

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Let's get you to a chair then."

Wrath growled as he attacked, not believing him.

Luciana smirked as she watched Wrath fight Andre."Funnies."

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head, "I'm fine here.."

Teddy walked over and picked her up. "It'll get uncomfortable after a while." He set her down on a chair, smiling.

Andre just kept blocking, and then noticed a vampire trying to take advantage of the situation, so he shot flames over Wrath's shoulder. The vampire burst into flames and he glared at him. "My name is Andre Montegue, Prince of France and cousin of Antoinette la Rouix."

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "It's handy having a big Teddy bear around, eh Princess?"Rosetta smiled and giggled.

Wrath saw red and his attacks grew more fiecre."You shouldn't of said that..."His black hair was turning into white flames.

"Oh shit..."Luciana rushed over and jumped on Wrath's back."Not the motherfucking cousin! Bad Wrath! Heel bruh! Heel!"She said as she pulled on his firey hair.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette smiled a little and nodded. "I'm sorry. Just feeling... Tiered.. But I think I can use my powers again."

Andre's eyes widened and he crouched, shielding himself with a cover of flames. It was barely keeping him safe from Wrath's attacks.

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta smiled softly."Best not to use your power right now. Save your energy."

Wrath roared when he felt his sister on his back. He turned away from Andre as he reached back to try and pull his sister off.

"Bad Wrath! Bad bad bad!"Luciana shouted.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette frowned a little, "Something's wrong.." she whispered.

Andre stood, "Hey! Hey! Calm down... Wrong cousin. The one you want to kill is my older brother." He was worried Luciana would get hurt. "If you want to kill me, do it... But you'll break Antoinette's heart. More than it has already been broken."

2014-05-26 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yeah the school has been attacked by vampires."Rosetta said with a sigh.

"Yo Prince Frenchy go kill a vampire or something, yeah? I need to calm Wrath down."Luciana said as she bashed her hands down ontop of Wrath's head as Wrath ran about trying to get Luciana off. Wrath ran into a wall then fell back onto the ground and landed on Luciana."Ouch...God Wrath you need to lose weight."She groaned as she pushed her brother off her."Feel better?"

"Much."Wrath said as he stood up then helped Luciana up.

2014-05-26 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette shook her head, "No.. It's something more... Something worse." She grabbed Rosetta's arm, knowing it could be difficult to hear the Earth when there were layers of concrete and other man-made material between you and her. She amplified it for Rosetta, since she could hear it through the earth and the water, she could 'hear' it clearly.

They're close! Too close! Run! Not safe! Were the vibes coming from Mother Earth. And just then, the back wall of the gym exploded open, exposing them to new vampires.

Andre had done as she said, going closer to the gym, but the explosion shook the whole school.

Morgan, who had been shielding them dropped to her knees. She was too weak to keep up the barrier protecting them all.

2014-06-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta was shaking as she listened to the earth screaming at her. She screamed when the gym wall exploded. She looked at Adrian."We need to run, Teddy." Rosetta would be able to defend herself and others if she was outside.

Luciana and Wrath froze for a moment then ran to the gym knowing shit would happen.

Delia smirked as she walked into the gym with the vampires.

2014-06-05 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little, and took the closest weapon he could. Just a sparing spear, but it would have to work. He picked up Antionette, "Stay close to me, got it?" He asked.

Andre got up, having been knocked down by the blast, "Shit." He dove into the gym with the others and looked around. This was going to be a blood bath.

Morgan tried to sand up, getting grabbed. She saw Delia, a friend, right? "Delia!" She didn't want her getting hurt. And the wind nymph was far too weak to see that she was with the vampires.

2014-06-05 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta nodded."Okay but just don't shift, Teddy."She ran but she stopped."Wait I need to find Victoria. Yous go ahead and I'll catch up once I have Victoria."

Kitty was cut up pretty bad but she ran as fast as she could towards the gym.

Luciana and Wrath ran into the gym and started killing vampires.

Delia smirked as she walked over to Morgan."Pittyful creature you nymphs are."

2014-06-05 [GlamGamer]: "Don't you dare Rose, Victoria can take care of herself." Damion growled softly.

Victoria was fighting her way back to the gym.

Andre searched for Antoinette as he fought.

Morgan frowned, "Delia?" Her eyes widened, "You did this.."

Lucifer closed his eyes, "Wrath, Luciana. Create portals and get people out of there. Any bad vampires that follow will be killed. Do it now."

2014-06-05 [Cerulean Sins]: "Don't you dare growl at me, Teddy! Just get Antoinette to safety now."Rosetta snapped at him then she ran into the heart of the battle to find Victoria.

"Oh course. This school is pitful. Vampires will rule the world."Delia smirked as she pulled out a dagger.

Luciana and Wrath defended themselves as they created portals to take the students and teachers to safety.

2014-06-06 [GlamGamer]: Damion huffed heavily and spotted Wrath with his portal. He made his way over, carrying the passed out Antoinette.

"Oh darling, you're adorable if you believe anything other than you getting your head ripped off is going to happen." Morgan said, watching her pull out the dagger, "I'm sorry I wont be around to piss on it."

Hell Hounds poured out, getting students and teachers.

Victoria was in the heart of the battle, swinging wildly, nearly taking Rosetta's head off, "Jesus Nymph! What the hell are you doing?"

2014-06-06 [Cerulean Sins]: Delia smirked as she chuckled."You know I never liked you and they say Nymphs are meant to sence evil. Seems that's a lie, eh Morgan?" She knelt down and stare into Morgan's eyes as she stabbed her.

Kitty froze for a moment when she saw Delia stab Morgan then she roared...well shirked like a banshee as she ran over and tackled Delia.

"Looking for you! I couldn't leave you behind, so come on before Teddy gose in a huff with me...well a bigger huff and call my mother."Rosetta rambled as she grabbed Victoria's hand.

2014-06-06 [GlamGamer]: Morgan gasped as the dagger went in. As one last act of defiance, she gathered blood in her mouth and then spat it out in Delia's face. She died with a little smirk.

Jaden was gathering students and protectors, helping Clyde get free of vampires. "Go, get as many students as you see and get through the portals. Now."

Victoria grabbed her and dragged her away from a lunging vampire. She grabbed the vampire and bit his throat, pulling out a huge chunk. She spat it out and tried to wipe the blood from her mouth. "You need to go." She said to Rosetta.

2014-06-08 [Cerulean Sins]: Kitty and Delia fought in a deadly match of shouts, growls and blood.

Claude nodded."Yes, sir."He ran and took students to the portals.

Rosetta squealed loudly as she ducked then she looked up at Victoria as she straightend."Not without you, Victoria."

2014-06-09 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer watched the terrified students and teachers pour into Hell. And that fear didn't disappear once they realized just where they'd gone. He had demons there direct the people into the main hall. Though he had the vampires separated, just in case they made the stupid mistake of attacking here.

Victoria sighed heavily, "Come on then." She said and got her to the portals. She hesitated on going through though, looking at Wrath.

Jaden looked around for any others who hadn't started for the portals. He knew there were bound to be some who had been taken by the Angels as they left, and those who had managed to get away.

2014-06-10 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded to Victoria."On you go. If your with vampires that attacked then the portal will kill you."He smirked.

Rosetta took Victoria's hand."Come on, Victoria. You'll be fine."She smiled.

Claude sent the last few students through the portals."Yo Luci you coming?"He shouted over at her.

"Yeah but I'll meet you there!"Luciana shouted back as she closed her portals. She looked over at Kitty and Delia fighting."Ummmm....okayyyy..."She gasped when she saw Morgan dead on the floor. She ran over to Morgan."No!"

2014-06-11 [GlamGamer]: Victoria nodded a little. Seemed like a good idea to have that kind of protection in place. She looked at Rosetta and went with her through the portal. "Your hand is going to be all bloody.."

Damion was on the other side of the portal, anxiously waiting. When he saw Rose, he relaxed and walked over, dragging her into a hug, "Don't ever do that again."

Jaden looked around and saw Kitty and Delia fighting. He snarled and started for them to help Kitty, building his power of shadows on his hands.

2014-06-12 [Cerulean Sins]: "Oh my hand will be fineeeee!"Rosetta spoke normally then ended her sentence on a squeal when Damion dragged her into a hug, she let go of Victoria's hand and chuckled."Awww was the big bad Teddy bear worried about me?"She teased him as she hugged him back.

"Aw shit!"Claude swore as he ran over to Luciana. He knelt down next to Morgan's dead body."Best teacher ever."He whispered as he clenched his hands together and the air became a little thinner.

Wrath looked over at them all and shook his head."Children, all of them."He sighed. He walked over and picked up Claude and Luciana tossing them into a portal. He dusted his hands off and walked over to Delia,Kitty and Jaden."Enough! Delia will pay for her crimes soon enough but Kitty, Jaden go through the portal now. The students need youf both because right now they are in Hell."He ranted as he pulled Kitty off Delia and held Kitty tightly.

2014-06-12 [GlamGamer]: Victoria smiled a little and then made her way over to the group of vampires. It was a small and terrified looking group, but even though she'd made some of their lives hell, they accepted her into the group easily. "You okay?" She asked one of the younger vampires.

Damion chuckled softly, "No shit Sherlock." He said and pulled back, "You're my person.. I have to keep you safe."

Antoinette and Andre were sitting on the ground as Andre checked her wounds. Antoinette gently pushed him aside when Luciana and Clyde came through the portal. "Are you alright?" She asked them both.

Jaden slammed his powers into two other Vampires and nodded a little, "This is going to be interesting." He muttered softly and looked at Kitty and Wrath, building more power, "Go, I've got your back and I'll be right behind you."

2014-06-13 [Cerulean Sins]: "I was perfectly safe with Victoria,Damion."Rosetta patted Damion's cheek.

Luciana said nothing as she stormed past them to find the headmaster.

Claude shook his head."Miss Morgan is dead."

Wrath tossed Kitty into the portal."Into the portal now,Jaden."

2014-06-13 [GlamGamer]: Damion sighed softly and just smiled, "Yes, I'm sure, but you weren't with me."

Antoinette frowned and stood, leaning on Andre, "I'm so sorry. I know she was a favorite teacher.. she was so sweet."

Jaden hoped in behind him and shivered, eges going black now that he was in Hell.

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "There will be times where I won't be with you, Teddy."Rosetta said softly.

Claude nodded a little. His face was pale and sad looking.

Wrath followed Jaden into Hell then he closed the portal behind him."Calm down everyone!"He shouted as he took flight into the air. He hovered over the students and teachers."Yes your in Hell and no your not dead! My father has aloud you all to be here to keep you all safe from the vampire's attack.Please follow me to the main hall where you will find food, water, beds and medcial help."Wrath flew slowly to the main hall.

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion just shook his head, "Nope." He smiled a little though.

Antoinette gave him a quick hug before the group started to move, following Wrath.

Jaden blinked a few times, trying to get his eyes to go back to normal, but there was no denying what he was in Hell. He helped usher the students and looked at Luciana. "You look as though you're searching for someone.

Lucifer was waiting for them in the main hall with everything already set up. He was watching people carefully. Hell had an odd effect on the living.

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Rosetta shook her head a little and took his hand."Come on Teddy."She walked with the other to the main hall.

Claude followed the other students to the main hall.

Luciana looked at Jaden with a glare."Not looking for anyone." Sadly Hell's effect on Luciana was to make her evil. She glanced up and saw Wrath with a frown. She felt a stab saddness that she won't be able to fly.

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion smiled a little and walked with her.

Antoinette walked with Andre, refusing to let him carry her even though she was tiered.

Jaden frowned but nodded a little, knowing better than to question her. He walked over to Lucifer and knelt.

"Up." He demanded of Jaden and looked at his eyes, grabbing his chin, "Well well.. Your eyes are getting darker." He smirked, as though proud of that. Then he looked at all the people in his home. "Get the royal Fey... We can't keep there here for very long and she's the one with the most connections.. I believe."

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Wow Hell has everything."Rosetta was awe with the fanciness of the hall and everything.

Luciana walked over to her father."One of my teachers is dead and I want revenge."

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: Damion nodded a little and looked around also.

"Many of your teachers and fellow students have died, what makes this particular one so special?" Lucifer asked and sent Jaden away

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "She was nice to me while others aren't because of you."Luciana said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer sighed heavily, clearly debating something with himself. "Fine, you're in charge of the team that will find and destroy her killer. However, this team must and I mean must include your brother, understood?"

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana sighed loudly."Fine, Wrath will be on my team, however I'm not happy about it."

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: "I don't care if you're happy about it." Lucifer said simply. He looked over as Antoinette walked over. He raised a brow and sighed, seeing her feathers start to turn black and fall off.

Antoinette did her best curtsy, "Thank you, for allowing us here."

2014-06-15 [Cerulean Sins]: "Antoinette your wings..."Luciana frowned.

2014-06-15 [GlamGamer]: Lucifer stepped over to her and knelt down, looking at her wounds. "Well, you need to leave sooner rather than later." He mutter, "But the loss isn't permanent.. The coloring may be, for some of your feathers.. It's being here in hell."

Antoinette looked down at her wings and frowned a bit, "Wow.. I didn't know that could happen."

2014-06-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath flew down towards the ground and landed next to his sister."Princess Antoinette can't be here."

"We know that now, Wrath. Dad just told us."Luciana said as she sighed.

2014-06-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette looked at them, "I think it's pretty.." Then she looked at Wrath and blushed a little.

Andre frowned a bit and looked between Wrath and his cousin, and then just shook his head at her. "You're an odd one Bug." He said, kissing her temple.

Lucifer stood, "Speaking of what Hell does to people, none of you can stay that long.. That is why I asked you over, do you know of anywhere you can all stay?"

Antoinette looked up from her wings and smiled, "Of course. My home. There are people there now, but we have whole cities and bunkers protected from vampires and Hunters alike underneath our major places... They were built when vampires hunted us for food."

2014-06-16 [Cerulean Sins]: "I'll go speak to Uncle Gabriel about sending the students and teachers from Heaven to your home, Antoinette."Luciana said.

2014-06-16 [GlamGamer]: Antoinette nodded, "Please do, I'm happy to help anyone I can.. You just send people my way, and I'll deal with the council."

2014-06-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Luciana nodded."I'll go let Uncle Gabriel know."She disappeared to Heaven.

2014-06-16 [GlamGamer]: "Wrath, take a few demons and hell hounds and escort these guys to The Princess' home. I'll make and hold the portal. Make sure it's safe and that there is extra protection. Also, speak with My Lady here and her council and find out how many people are left of their troops, and who will volunteer.. I'll send Luciana to you when she gets back."

2014-06-16 [Cerulean Sins]: Wrath nodded."Yes, father."He bowed his head a little.

2014-06-16 [GlamGamer]: "When you're done getting the numbers, come back here and we'll go from there.. She just may be the middle ground we need to work with your uncles.." Lucifer touched Antoinette's forehead and then opened a portal to her home. "In you go Princess."

Andre helped her through the portal, not all that happy that he'd be stuck with Wrath longer than he'd hoped.

Jaden went to Claude, putting a hand on his shoulder, "She'll be missed. But she would hate for you to be sad." He let sink in for a moment, "We're going to Lady Antoinette's home now, would you mind helping me get the wanderers to the portal?"

2014-06-17 [Cerulean Sins]: "Yes Father."Wrath said then he whistled for the hell hounds.

Claude nodded a little."Sure, teach."He muttered as he wandered around and helped students towards the portal.

2014-06-17 [GlamGamer]: The Hell hounds gathered around Wrath before helping take the people through the portal.

Antoinette looked around the grand entrance with a shiver. All these years later and she could still hear her mother's scream pierce the quiet night. She looked over at the guards who were looking rather startled to see her, "Please, rise.. I'll explain later. I have more guests coming, and a little more help for you. Where are the councilmen?"
"They're helping the people settle below. I'm afraid we're short on blankets." A guard finally said.

Jaden gathered the vampires, who had gone to the edge of the group, "Come on."

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